
Book Friends.

New Friends!
The Blue Book Troll...

& the King of Stones!

Good friends to watch over your book collection.

Both creatures are for sale at my [Etsy shop].
 With love,


Yellow Horse

 I tried to go minimalist with this one...

Inspired by those sweet Swedish Dalecarlian horses
& fun with photoshop.


Will Heaven Have Sandwiches?

          I'm going back to America in just over a week, and I've been clearing out my art supplies and trying to use up material so I don't have to carry them all that way across the ocean (not to mention the excess of art supplies I have stashed in my mother's attic). I came across a stack of small papers and their cardboard protectors hidden deep in my backpack that I'd been carrying around since I flew from Chicago six months ago. I was touched my the size and shape of this small stack of papers. I decided to make a book of all the sketches I've been accumulating in my sketchbook-- images I never thought would reach the light of day-- as a kind of self-reflection of my time here in Europe, and the images that have been floating in my mind throughout.

Also, of course, the book addresses one of the most
pressing questions of our time:
Will Heaven Have Sandwiches?

"Will Heaven have Sandwiches" consists of 30 original drawings, a title page, and a colophon. Each page is composed of graphite & ink, and has 4 layers of clear glossy lacquer that gives the low-quality paper a nice thick feeling. The cover is made of book board, recycled leather, and bound & ornamented with embroidery thread.

"Lurking Lurkers will continue to draw and travel
until the Sandwich question has been answered."

Update (12/2013): I'm happy to say that this piece has been accepted into the Kohler Art Library's Permanant Collection of Artist's Books! This is a one-of-a-kind item, so you can only see it there :)


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo

New Work! A Lurker attempt at embroidery. This sweet Buffalo was made with recycled leather & wool, embroidery floss, colorful telephone wire, gold beads, and brass chain. He measures approximately 7 inches long.

This piece was partially inspired by one of my favorite Etsians, [AnAstridEndeavor].
A maker of wonderful bib necklaces, brooches, and ornaments, she's an embroidery master with an affinity for color & geometry. Here are some of my favorites:

Keep up the great work, Astrid!